What are the public meetings?
If the Christian Rationalist houses are spiritualist schools, public meetings are practical classes on spirituality, where participants can see what does it feels like to be spiritually strengthened, in a calm and disciplined environment, formed by Superior Astral spirits that coordinate the works in astral field. During the meetings, people can acquire new knowledge and explanations on incorporeal life, which will aid them reflecting on how to face their afflicting issues.
The first 7 minutes of a public meeting are directed to psychic cleansing, followed by an explanation of the Christian Rationalist principles by the meeting’s president. They use daily cases as themes to demonstrate the spiritual view on daily life. At the end of the meeting, a message from a Superior Astral spirit is transmitted. The message usually summarizes or complements the previous explanations.
Learn more on the concepts of Christian Rationalism
When do public meetings occur?
Public meetings are free-of-charge and can be attended by people at all ages. They’re performed three times a week: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Due to characteristics of each local, the meetings can be performed in four starting hours: 7:00pm, 7:30pm, 8:00pm and 8:30pm. Doors are opened to the public forty minutes before the meeting starts. Public meetings at the Headquarters and branches have at most one hour of duration. Meetings at the correspondents have thirty minutes of duration.
Learn more on the Personal Care
Visit a civic-spiritualistic meeting
When a given fact or date is celebrated after a public meeting, the solemnity is called civic-spiritualistic meeting.
The events considered outstanding are: Christian Rationalism anniversary of foundation, in 26 January 1910, and dates related to opening, inauguration and rise (from correspondent to branch) of a house.
Visit a civic-spiritualistic meeting